Bad hombre writer and producer Vladimir Soasti invades the entertainment industry and bring us the beginning of a brutal police graphic novel, THE SCHOOL OF CRIME.
A lone wolf CIA agent José Chávez and an elite local crime force wait on Ecuador’s most dangerous drug highway for a cocaine shipment, sent on the orders of drug lord Jesús Jimenez, leader of ‘La Escuela del Crimen’. But when officers stop the suspect’s vehicle, they find servants of a different lord. The School of Crime is a Soasti Bros Productions Original Graphic Novel. Soasti Bros Productions is an American-based content production company working in collaboration with a great creative and artistic team in The United States and Latin-American countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.
A wildly entertaining premiere episode of 'La Escuela del Crimen' will be officially available soon on Digital and Paper Back. For more information, samplers, updates, surprises, photo catalogs, and more, visit us on social media and our official web site.