Soasti Bros Productions



Bad hombre writer and producer Vladimir Soasti invades the entertainment industry and bring us the beginning of a brutal police graphic novel, THE SCHOOL OF CRIME.

A lone wolf CIA agent José Chávez and an elite local crime force wait on Ecuador’s most dangerous drug highway for a cocaine shipment, sent on the orders of drug lord Jesús Jimenez, leader of ‘La Escuela del Crimen. But when officers stop the suspect’s vehicle, they find servants of a different lord. The School of Crime is a Soasti Bros Productions Original Graphic Novel. Soasti Bros Productions is an American-based content production company working in collaboration with a great creative and artistic team in The United States and Latin-American countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.

 A wildly entertaining premiere episode of 'La Escuela del Crimen' will be officially available soon  on Digital and   Paper Back. ​For more information, samplers, updates, surprises, photo catalogs, and more, visit us on social media and our official web site.